Sunday 31 October 2010

James Gao Assignment

1.Use of the Camera
Our finished work  shows what we have learnt about the techniques of using camera during the last few weeks.
Since we used the tripod throughout the process,we successfully made almost all our shots steady,therefore the clip we made looks relatively developed.However we may also meet the situation where tripod cannot be used when shooting our final piece,  so we still need to practicing using camera.
We have framed our shots appropriately, because the way to frame a shot is often discussed by members of the group rather than decided by the camera man himself.Therefore the positions where camera is put are often well chosen.
We included a variety of shot types in the clip, using them appropriately at the same time.I think what we need to improve is make the shot types more expressive,which can make our clip more attractive.
Composition techniques were never forgotten while shooting.We always follows the rules of three thirds ,so the audience can see that characters are often conspicuous on the screen.We also managed to make some shots meaningful through using the composition techniques.
2.Use of Editing
We tried to follow the rules of editing but some small mistakes we made when shooting affected the continuity.Still, the clip looks fluent in general because the mistakes had been hidden while editing.
We did not use any editing transitions because we want to make our clip natural. 
3,Selection of Content
In the clip we just made  we didn't  pay much attention to costume or make-up because characters and plots are not complex.However it will become a big problem when we are making the final work  since these will be what the audience  see on screen and it helps create the whole atmosphere.
Since it was just a test clip so we chose the football field in college as our location for convenience.
It was not a very good location at first because there were always people walking around, however we eventually improved it by changing exposure when editing to make it darker.
Mart in our group was the actor.Although he did very well ,we still need more actor/actresses if we want to shoot a completed horror film.The advantage to use the member in group is  that he can understand the storyboard much better.
Unluckily there were only two members who produced the short clip, so Mart and I need to share the work and do more than usual.My job was to draw the storyboard, filming and editing,which was what Mart did as well.The filming work was mostly done by me.I am happy with what i did because it doesn't look bad.Further more, through operating the camera alone this time, I am more confident when using the camera.
There are a lot of improvements can be made to the finished film.Music is a new but important problem for us to think about because we tried using several pieces of music to illustrate the atmosphere of the film but didn't achieve the best effect.I think we can improve it if we do more work about the soundtrack.
I don't think it will be different for me when it comes to the final work because I am very happy about what I do in our group and I think I can make some improvements in the final work. 

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