Thursday 7 October 2010

Practical Continuity Exercise

This week, we filmed another short clip based around continuity and coverage. The footage was of Mart walking up the stairs, looking at his watch, then leaving out of the door.

Although our clip is relatively short, we feel we have gave it a good go. The reason for our clip being so short is because we edited too much out as our camera skills weren't up to scratch. But we now know what we did wrong, so hopefully next time, this mistakes will no longer be apparent.

Our continuity of our short clip is reasonably good as the individual clips do flow but not as well as we would have liked. Considering that it is our first attempt at these kind of shots we are quite pleased with the results.

The framing of shots along with the variety of shot types make the short clip look more professional even though we were still rookies at filming. 

In our original plan we planned to have a number of varied shots, all but one of these are included in our final clip. The one that isn't is a extreme close up of the watch but due to our basic filming skills the shot wasn't long enough as the arm was shaking. 

The final clip does flow and has a bit of pace to it as it is easy to watch on the eye and there are no obvious mistakes.

If we had to do this again we would try to film for longer on each shot so when we come to editing we aren't left with a clip a second long instead of a longer on that has more editing freedom. 

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