Wednesday 30 March 2011

Question 9 - What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post-production stages?

My contribution towards the planning of the film was to help think of the original plot in which we all threw our ideas together and came out with our story and the title with ‘Don’t Turn Around’ with was thought of by me. During the production we all took turns in directing and filming various shot types e.g. close ups and long shots. I also arranged the actor for our group on the date that Mart had scheduled as he sorted out our location. During the post production stage, I didn't have that much input on the editing, but mainly focussed on sorting the blog out and making sure that was up to date. James and I originally created a soundtrack but we decided not to use this one and another was created. I have had an input in putting sound onto the film which we have done very recently.

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