Monday 28 March 2011

Question 7 - What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of the constructing we used different types technologies and media.
Internet was often used as a very good tool of searching materials, for example, our idea of title came from the picture we saw online. Blogger is a platform on which we keep our record of how the whole product developed, and it is displays the work we finished. Imovie is the major and necessary software we use during editing. We found it very suitable for us as primary learner to use as it has a lot of functions which are very easy to operate. This allows us to make the most of raw footage and turn them properly into complete work. Also it helps us to make the work more creative, as a lot of special effects are provided in the software. Garageband is another apple software we apply to create the soundtrack for our film. Even though we cannot use the mature artists' music as soundtrack, we use garageband to compose our own soundtrack without much difficulty. Garageband contains a variety of basic music elements of which we can link with each other to create our unique soundtrack, for example, we mix the distract of church bell ringing and the sound of footsteps to make a soundtrack which goes along well with our church theme.
Therefore our process of constructing the work is based on a series of technologies in different stages.

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