Monday 28 March 2011

Question 6 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media project and why?

After looking at films that are similar to our group’s film, the distribution companies appear to be small independent companies but when they are traced back to the parent companies it is more than likely that one of the big companies owns them for example Sony, Universal, Fox Entertainment Group are some of the big parent companies. Looking at a British film, ‘28 Days Later’ the production company is ‘DNA Films’ with the distribution company being ‘20th Century Fox’. As DNA Films is a relatively small company it means that they would concentrate more closely to the production of a film. If our film was to be produced professionally I think that choosing a smaller company that has links to bigger companies is key as to become successful you need ‘a door to the next level’ and having good relations with multinational distribution companies like Fox Entertainment Group is a big pull to going with a company like DNA Films. I would like to think that DNA Films would use our film as they do ‘proper’ British films that you wouldn’t get a foreign production company taking on a project. To produce a successful film is no good if you don’t have a great distribution and marketing company behind you as you need the expertise in marketing to draw in the box office revenue. By using a big distribution company the film would already have a head start on other films that aren’t being distributed by a big company as it wouldn’t have the reputation or pull power to close deals.   

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