Monday 7 March 2011

Question 3 - Who would be the audience for your media project?

We used the IMDB website for research earlier in the year and found out that males tend to watch horror films the most in general with a age group of 18-29. Using this research as a guideline we set our age rating at 15 as we feel that if the film we create is a 18 it limits the audience who would be able to see it and takes out the under 18 group of the audience whom we think 'sets the bar' for films, i.e. if the younger people like a film and review it well other older people are more likely to go and see it if as they might have been a little wary at first as they might have thought it may have been childish.

We think that this group is associated to horror films as males like to be scared and have the feeling that they don't know what’s going to happen even if they have watched the horror film a lot of times. The fearing of the unknown is a big point for horror films. The audience watches them knowing that they will get scared but they still watch them as they want to get scared.

We are going to use the information above and the information that we have researched by putting different bits of 'scariness' that we have seen and the effects that is effective to the audience. If we target the audience in the right way and use the effects and styles of horror films that they like to see then we think are horror film could be a success.

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