Monday 28 March 2011

Question 8 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The main difference between the preliminary task shoot and the actual project was that we had a location to film on. After we brainstormed our ideas initially when we first started thinking about producing our horror film I knew exactly where we would film and I was quite insistent on it. The other members in the group were soon turned to my idea for the location and we all agreed that it was brilliant. We learnt a lot from our preliminary task, one of the things we learnt was to film a shoot from many angles and get timing along with continuity absolutely bang on so when we get to editing it, the editing stage become much easier as the shots fall into place easier without much editing time wise. We learnt about camera movements while shooting the preliminary task. After looking through our footage it was very apparent that we either moved the camera too little and created a jump cut or moved the camera so much that when played back the scene looks very dodgy. If I were to do the production for our film again I think I would try to film as soon as possible even if we don’t use much of what we film on the first shoot. I would organise everybody in the production team and allocate each one a precise job that gives them a specific detailed job to do each week so we don’t just come to class then make a plan of what we are going to do in the class time. 

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