Monday 28 March 2011

Question 9 - What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post-production stages?

For our film I worked in a group consisting of 3 boys, myself, Ashley and James. During the planning stages of the horror film project I had a very hands on approach and came up with core ideas that were then followed up on by the other members of the group and together we created very strong ideas for our film. My main role in the planning stage was research and location finder. I think I did an excellent job in finding and gaining permission to use St. Matthews Church, Pentrich as our church location as it was a perfect setting and created the mysterious mood and atmosphere that we as a group felt was needed. For the research jobs I did a lot of research on IMDB on existing horror film and watched a lot of scenes from existing horror films on YouTube to find out what type of scene or certain action was liked the best by the audience which would be from a film that was a psychological horror film. In the production stages of our horror film project, when on location all three of us filmed scenes by ourselves and when we weren’t filming behind the camera we were in front of the camera directing our actor and actress on the script and continuity. Once we had filmed everything and got back into the MAC suite, I did a lot of the timing editing by ‘stitching’ everything in time and making sure everything. I did a lot of the editing and also helped with the soundtrack on GarageBand. My role was more based towards the editing role, with James targeting the soundtrack and Ashley doing titles and credits.

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